The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of action research methodology as a managerial tool. A practical example was employed to explain the dynamic process of action research and its role in understanding a managerial problem: observe, reflect, plan, & act. This paper argues that the implementation of this tool in organizations can be considered as a foundation for managerial problem solving. Employing action research can facilitate the crafting of appropriate strategies and lead to highly desirable results, and thus three points should be recognized: (1) the intention in a given situation is to get a deep understanding and to construct a social reality based on participants’ perceptions; (2) involving managers to help in understanding what might be done to improve the situation and what action should be implemented to overcome the problem; (3) implementing the recommended solutions (action), as well as repeating and evaluating the process is to be considered the cornerstone to improve an undesired situation.
DOI: 10.51958/aaujbl2017v1i2p1
Bayan Yousef Farhan
"Action Research Methodology as a Managerial Tool: Discussion and Implications"
AAU Journal of Business and Law مجلة جامعة العين للأعمال والقانون: Volume 1
Issue 2
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